E-commerce and Digital Strategy at your fingertips

An e-commerce seasoned professional with a proven track record of success in the retail and E-commerce industry, uniquely qualified working on merchant and agency side. RP Digital works with new, small, and medium-sized businesses to help you grow your online presence, increase sales and retain customers.

Which platforms do I work with?

My experience in e-commerce platforms and content management systems are vast but I specialise in the following


Shopify E-commerce Stores

Are you looking for a route in to the e-commerce market quickly? Shopify is the platform to enable you to do so

Digital Strategy

Have you created a strategy for your business? If not, RP Digital can help you create and add to this

Etsy > Shopify Conversions

RP Digital offers a simple solution to import all of your Etsy products in to a Shopify store allowing more profit for your online business

E-commerce Coaching

In need of coaching for your staff or yourself on e-commerce topics? Book a 2 hour coaching session

CRO-UX Sessions

RP Digital offers a 2 hour online session with strategy guide presentation for your creative/development team

Choosing a platform

RP Digital can help your business choose the correct platform. From creating an RFP through to platform acquisition

Tired of the cost of Etsy for selling the products you make? RP Digital can launch you a Shopify store with all of your products in less than 4 weeks.

About RP Digital

RP Digital is an e-commerce/digital consultancy business based in Manchester and founded by Robert Pimlott.

With over 20 years knowledge in the e-commerce and retail space, Rob uses experience and a “get shit done” approach to digital and e-commerce strategy.

With experience on both agency and merchant side of e-commerce, Rob is able to offer insights to improve and grow your online business through digital strategy, consultancy and development.

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